Holland Pathways Blog

Supporting Your Spouse: Finding the Best Addiction Treatment

Written by Holland Pathways | Jun 6, 2024 8:36:56 PM

You’ve known something was wrong but weren’t sure what to do. When your spouse is struggling with addiction, it can be a lonely and overwhelming experience. Addiction is a complex disease that affects not only the individual but those around them. Understanding the nature of addiction and knowing how to find the right treatment could mean the difference between supporting your spouse on their journey to recovery or continuing the cycle of substance abuse.


Understanding the Disease of Addiction


For far too long addiction has been considered a moral failing or lack of willpower. It is not. Addiction is a chronic and progressive disease that alters the brain’s chemistry leading to compulsive substance abuse despite negative consequences. Factors such as genetics, environment, and mental health can contribute to the development and progression of addiction. Recognize that your loved one is not choosing to be addicted; they are caught in a cycle that requires professional help to break.


Professional Addiction Treatment


Attempting to help your spouse overcome addiction on your own, while well-intentioned, is rarely effective and can be dangerous. The physical and psychological dependence involved with substance abuse requires professional medical and clinical intervention.

Licensed addiction treatment programs in Wichita, like Holland Pathways, offer a structured and supportive environment where your husband or wife can receive comprehensive care tailored to their specific needs.


Finding Safe & Effective Treatment in Wichita


When looking for addiction in Wichita, consider the following steps to ensure they receive the best care possible:

  1. Research Accredited Treatment Centers

Start by researching treatment centers that are accredited by reputable organizations such as the Joint Commission or the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Accreditation ensures that the facility adheres to high standards of care and treatment. 

  1. Evaluate Treatment Approaches

Different treatment centers offer various types of treatment. Work with your loved one to decide which level of care best meets their needs and then look for the best program based on that. Is residential, outpatient, or detox needed? Maybe all three. Look for programs that provide a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to addiction treatment.

  1. Consider Specialized Care

If your spouse has co-occurring mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, or trauma, find a program that offers dual diagnosis care. Addressing both the addiction and the underlying mental health conditions is crucial for a successful recovery.

  1. Consult with Professionals

Talk with your doctor or a medical professional and/or addiction specialist. These experts can provide valuable insights and recommendations for treatment options. They can also help assess the severity of the addiction and determine the most appropriate level of care.

  1. Check Insurance Coverage

Many treatment centers have staff who can assist with verifying benefits and understanding what costs will be covered. Don’t let the financial side of things overwhelm you. Talk with your partner, talk with the program, and work together to decide if treatment is a feasible option. Most programs will work with you to make sure finances are not the deciding factor on whether or not to get help. 

  1. Support Systems & Aftercare

Recovery is not a 30-day treatment program. Recovery is a lifelong journey, much of which starts after primary treatment ends. Look for programs that offer robust aftercare planning and support systems, such as alumni groups, outpatient therapy, and family counseling. A strong support network can significantly increase the chances of long-term recovery.


Taking the First Step


Acknowledging that your spouse needs professional help is a courageous first step. If you need assistance finding a treatment program in Wichita, don’t hesitate to contact us at Holland Pathways. Even if we aren’t the right fit, we’ll help you find a program that is. Recovery is possible, and with the right help, your spouse can reclaim their life.